divendres, 4 de desembre del 2015

Flag of Washington, D.C.

Official seal of Washington, D.C.

Is located on the banks of the Potomac River and is surrounded by the states of West Virginia and Maryland to the north, east and south.
The capital of Washington D.C. is Washington, is the capital of the United States there are   632.323 residents
The superficie Wasington D.C. is 177 and 259 m2

It is a major tourist spot, with monuments and architectural works of special interest in Washington. DelNational Mall in the environment include:
  • The United States Capitol
Washington Monument Dusk Jan 2006.jpg
Lincoln memorial dc 20041011 095847 1.3008x2000.jpg
Jefferson Memorial (1).jpg

632.323 hab
is the capital of the United States the  residents in Washington 632.323 hab
Marítimo Templado

Summer tends to be hot and humid, with daily high temperatures in July and August , average between 30 and 33 ° C Spring and autumn are mild with high temperatures in April and October , the average 20 ° C . Winter has sustained cool temperatures and occasional snow . From mid-December to mid- February, the highest average temperatures tend to be around 6 to 8 ° C and the lowest in ¬ between -2 and -5 ° C .

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