divendres, 4 de desembre del 2015

Flag of Washington, D.C.

Official seal of Washington, D.C.

Is located on the banks of the Potomac River and is surrounded by the states of West Virginia and Maryland to the north, east and south.
The capital of Washington D.C. is Washington, is the capital of the United States there are   632.323 residents
The superficie Wasington D.C. is 177 and 259 m2

It is a major tourist spot, with monuments and architectural works of special interest in Washington. DelNational Mall in the environment include:
  • The United States Capitol
Washington Monument Dusk Jan 2006.jpg
Lincoln memorial dc 20041011 095847 1.3008x2000.jpg
Jefferson Memorial (1).jpg

632.323 hab
is the capital of the United States the  residents in Washington 632.323 hab
Marítimo Templado

Summer tends to be hot and humid, with daily high temperatures in July and August , average between 30 and 33 ° C Spring and autumn are mild with high temperatures in April and October , the average 20 ° C . Winter has sustained cool temperatures and occasional snow . From mid-December to mid- February, the highest average temperatures tend to be around 6 to 8 ° C and the lowest in ¬ between -2 and -5 ° C .

dijous, 26 de novembre del 2015

Can I help you?
Yes, I d like to boole tikets to London plese
For what Date?
Friday 25th Agust
What time would you like to get there?
I needto got there at 18:18h
What plataform does it leave fram?
Plataform 2
What time does it leave?
In half on hour
Ok, tranks, bye

divendres, 20 de novembre del 2015


Resultado de imagen de comida
 you  don´t have to mean
Sausaged meat
Resultado de imagen de Countries

divendres, 23 d’octubre del 2015

Maria went to Barcelona with a friend Miquel
They stayed in a hotel
Dani went to Barcelona
Maria and Dani spiked in the bar on Hotel 
But dani net with Anna  in the Hotle 
But Dani liked Maria month
Apothey went with Maria in the room
This ended the summer with Dani and to gether Maria
Our protagonists are going to live together and had a son Madrid

divendres, 2 d’octubre del 2015

I got up at 8 o'clock and had a little bresakfast.
I waiked to work school for 5 min. I stred work at 8:30.
At 2:55 o'clock I finished work but I to visit whit muy famili in Banyoles and run the lake of Banyoles with muy cousin
I was a busy day so he felt fired .
In the evening I had dinner. My sister cooked dinner.
 I went to his computer and worked late at night I slept very late

divendres, 25 de setembre del 2015

About what we did yesterday

Yesterday exament the verds regulars.
be          was         were               ser /estar
beat        beat         beaten          vencre o batre
become  became    becume         esdavenir
begin      began       begunt          començar
bet          bet          bet                apostar
broke     broken                         trencar

the song verbs
know      knew
be         was

the song  is the love (masochist)

divendres, 18 de setembre del 2015

Introducing ourselves

My name is Arnau I live in olot. I've got one sister: A 19 year old called Paula.
My sister and I don't like animels at home, but I have a fish and look I after he fish, my sister doesn't.
Ilike Basketball I play Basket but my sister before because she doesn't play.
In the last weekend I pleyed with my sister and I but the winner is Arnau.
I'm doing 4 eso in Bosc de la Coma but next year I'm going to study in the Ins Garrotxe I'm going to be an Industrial mechanic.
Last summer I was a monitor I have Julay and august I didn't travel in summer.I'm tall and thin, I have light brown hair and brown eyes.

dijous, 11 de juny del 2015

plans the next summer

  1. My family and I going to go  the beach roses.
  2. I'm going to go to a campus basketball.
  3. My friend and I aren't going to spend a week in New York City.
  4. I going to work with a Pub.
  5. My friends and I going to go grup the people (brigada).
  6. My family and I aren't going to Camping.
  7. Pau and I are going to play basket in the sports centres.
  8. My cousins and I ara going to go swimming pol.
  9. I'm going to ride a bike.
  10. My cousins and I celebreit my brithay.

He likes to talk, to communicate, to meet people and different places, and always traveled in moviment.Ets very curious and your mind always asks for more information. Its young and jovial attitude will familiarize themselves with each other with ease and great adaptability allows you to adapt to any conversation.


born: sota 
MUTABLE:tens mugiment
action: acció
curious, sociable and mentally very active:curiós, sociable i mentalment molt actiu.
 your intellect and the possibility of communicating:estimulin el teu intel·lecte i la possibilitat de comunicació 
you will have to learn to be constant, patient and to control the speed of your thoughts:vostè haurà d'aprendre a ser constant, pacient i per controlar la velocitat dels seus pensaments.
You are very curious:
Ets molt curiós

What are you worried about?

I'm worried about getting a good job after hish school
I'm a little worried about looking good
I'm worried about getting good grades in the school
I'm littel worried about being popular in the school
I'm worried about to the finishing work

dijous, 4 de juny del 2015

Life plans for when

I'm going to leave schod and get a flat in Girona with my wife and 4 children. Is the Marc Alex Paula and Júlia. Marc going to play football with the Girona F.C. Im going to travel arround the wold with my famili.I'm going to work as a mehanic for Toyota. My friends and i going to have a good time with Barcelona and do volontari work in "creu roja". I'm going to be famous because going to play football in Girona F.C. in 1 division. I'm going to go university and litel rich. I'm not going to be sucessful. I'm not going to drive a lorry. My father is going to residen olot.

dijous, 14 de maig del 2015

resu of the film

  1. Muustafa rescued a M. Gustavue of the prision
  2. Mustafar got married with a gatha
  3. M Gustave syole the picture of apple boy
  4. Agatha died two years
  5. M.Gustave kept the picture in the safe laker
  6. M.Gustave escape from prision
  7. Agatha and Mu stafa entered tols to escape
  8. The people in hotel shot eadr ather
  9. Agatha worked in Bekeri mende'l
  10. The guards killed M.Gustave
My favorite character is Mustafa because I liked his hat that possesses H LOBBY BOY

dijous, 30 d’abril del 2015

plans for next weekand

I'm going to go to Portaventura(tarregona)
I am not going to go to school on Monday
I'm going to go swimming in Roses
I'am not gong to work
I'm going to ride a bike on Sunday
I'm going to sleep
I'm going to send an email
I'm going to go to a birthday party
I'm not going to go to hospital
I'm going to play basketball

dijous, 16 d’abril del 2015

willl going to

     +                                                 -                                               ?                                                                                
Subject+will+verb                 Subject+won't+verb               Will+subject+verb                                                                                                                                    

I will play                               I will not play                         will I play?
you will play                           you won't play                       will you play?
he will play                             he won't play                         will he play?
we will play                            we won't play                        will we play?
they will play                          they won't play                      will they play?
Accions in the future that dosen't reference the time not coment flnd to make spont am actions
probably: I hope Iwill visit Japan one day.

+                                                     -                                               ?
I'm going to callyou tomorrow           I'm not going to work                 Am I going to work?

Future actions that hoppen immediately:
I'm going to stop smoking
She is going to work
We are play basketball

My easter holidays



I went to play basketball in the sports centers
I went camping in Sant Pere Pescador in to beach
I went fishing
We went to look for asparagus
I cought to ball with the river
Ihanged from basket
I went ride a bike
I ate chocholate cake
I slept with 2:00 o'clock
I met a lot of friends

dijous, 12 de març del 2015

partner's last holiday

He went to Honduras. He travelled with friends and parents. He stayed in a hotel .He stayed there for 40 days. The weather was sunny.Dani bought the play 5. He visited the esculture .He ate salad and drank widki In the evening he went to the party.