dijous, 11 de juny del 2015

plans the next summer

  1. My family and I going to go  the beach roses.
  2. I'm going to go to a campus basketball.
  3. My friend and I aren't going to spend a week in New York City.
  4. I going to work with a Pub.
  5. My friends and I going to go grup the people (brigada).
  6. My family and I aren't going to Camping.
  7. Pau and I are going to play basket in the sports centres.
  8. My cousins and I ara going to go swimming pol.
  9. I'm going to ride a bike.
  10. My cousins and I celebreit my brithay.

He likes to talk, to communicate, to meet people and different places, and always traveled in moviment.Ets very curious and your mind always asks for more information. Its young and jovial attitude will familiarize themselves with each other with ease and great adaptability allows you to adapt to any conversation.


born: sota 
MUTABLE:tens mugiment
action: acció
curious, sociable and mentally very active:curiós, sociable i mentalment molt actiu.
 your intellect and the possibility of communicating:estimulin el teu intel·lecte i la possibilitat de comunicació 
you will have to learn to be constant, patient and to control the speed of your thoughts:vostè haurà d'aprendre a ser constant, pacient i per controlar la velocitat dels seus pensaments.
You are very curious:
Ets molt curiós

What are you worried about?

I'm worried about getting a good job after hish school
I'm a little worried about looking good
I'm worried about getting good grades in the school
I'm littel worried about being popular in the school
I'm worried about to the finishing work

dijous, 4 de juny del 2015

Life plans for when

I'm going to leave schod and get a flat in Girona with my wife and 4 children. Is the Marc Alex Paula and Júlia. Marc going to play football with the Girona F.C. Im going to travel arround the wold with my famili.I'm going to work as a mehanic for Toyota. My friends and i going to have a good time with Barcelona and do volontari work in "creu roja". I'm going to be famous because going to play football in Girona F.C. in 1 division. I'm going to go university and litel rich. I'm not going to be sucessful. I'm not going to drive a lorry. My father is going to residen olot.